My favorite art and craft supplies

There’s nothing quite so thrilling as a box of new art supplies. Am I right? If you’re a super nerd like me then you also enjoy the process of putting those new art supplies in your creative space, just so. In all honesty, getting new supplies is one of my favorite ways to spark some creativity when I’m feeling stagnant. Adding some new paper, new paint colors or maybe a giant canvas can help get your creative juices flowing. I recognize that it takes some ACTION to spark creativity. It doesn’t always just come to us. It also doesn’t just stay with us either. Here are few things I do to get back in the flow…

  1. Buy some new art supplies!

  2. Take a creative class. Preferably something you haven’t done before.

  3. Get out of town. Step into some new retail shops, eat at a new restaurant, look at some new scenery.

  4. Go for a walk.

  5. Unplug - sometimes your too distracted to allow the creative thoughts to flow

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Here’s what came in my box…. It’s everything you need to start a mixed media piece. I added some watercolor paper and old wrapping paper.

  1. Some new acrylic paint in lots of fab colors!

  2. Mod Podge

  3. Glue

  4. Paint brushes

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Folk Art Paint or Apple Barrel is a favorite brand that is totally approachable. It’s easy to use, great quality and affordable. They also come in a lot of colors and can be used for a lot of different applications. Honestly, I don’t consider myself a beginner but I still love the brand for all sorts of projects. I hosted a terr-cotta painting class this spring and we used Folk Art Paint and it worked perfectly.

If you are looking for some great tutorials on where to begin with acrylic painting the Folk Art brand that I like has some fab tutorials on YouTube

You can also check with your local Art Center for classes. The Lander Art Center has great classes for kids and adults.

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What are you making?

I’d love to hear what kinds of workshops and creative classes you’d like to see either in video tutorial or in person. Send me an email at or connect with me on Instagram.

Audie Cunningham